Joel Sanchez
Joel E. Sanchez is a DFW local who has been teaching and performing music since 2008.
As an alumnus of Carpenter Middle School, Clark High School, and Plano Senior High School
he participated in the Clark Bass Line, Clark Front Ensemble, Plano Front Ensemble, and
Plano Cymbal Line. While at Plano Senior, he also participated in the PanCats and the
Plano Batucada ensemble.
In 2015, he was awarded the "Esprit de Corps" during his senior year of high school.
He went on to study at the
University of North Texas and acquired a Bachelor's degree in
Psychology with a music minor. While attending he was involved in ensembles such as the
UNT 8 o’clock and 2 o'clock steel bands as well as the
Brazilian ensemble. While
a part of the 2 o’clock steel band he’s performed with guest artist Andy Narell twice, played at various
venues across DFW, and has recorded four different tracks with the ensemble for their album.
Joel began teaching in the Plano cluster in the summer of 2016 where he taught the Clark Bass Line
for two years. He instructed a bass line at the University of North Texas Percussion Camp
in 2018 and 2019. In 2018, he began teaching the Plano Cymbal Line and has been doing so ever since.
In addition to his love of music and teaching, he has an undying love for comics and visual
storytelling that has led him to start his own publishing company called
“Characters at Large”
in the summer of 2019 alongside some of his greatest friends.