Wesley Price
Wesley Price currently lives in Plano, Texas and is a 2011 Plano Senior High
School alumni. He attended Bethany Christian Bible School, Wyatt Elementary, Rice
Middle School, Jasper High School, and Plano Senior High School. While at Jasper
High School and Plano Senior High School, Wesley was a member of the drumline and
served as the Snare Section Leader.
After graduating from Plano Senior High School in 2011, Wesley attended
State University in Grambling, Louisiana. While there, Wesley received the Freshman of
the Year Award in the band and performed in the 57th Presidential Inauguration Parade
in Washington D.C. As the Drumline Secton Leader, Wesley led the "World Famed Marching
Band" in halftime performances for the Dallas Mavericks and Dallas Cowboys,
as well as, parades.
After moving back to Plano, Wesley has taught at the Plano Drumline Camp, Vines High
School Band Camp, University of North Texas Percussion Camp, and has helped teach
high schools in PISD. Wesley is currently a member of the Dallas Mavericks Drumline
and the Dallas Cowboys Rhythm & Blues Drumline. He is also currently attending Collin
College to pursue a career in music education.