Welcome to the DrumLabs!
Each DrumLab offers a downloadable pdf containing all of the lab material. Look for the link in the upper right corner.
DrumLabs are compilations of curricular material also found in other aspects of this website. The DrumLabs are a suggested sequencing of material.
Sound quality is most important, followed by rhythm accuracy with good tempo, pace, and sticking management.
Tempos (levels on the pdfs) are based on development not necessarily chronological or school grade level.
The first tempo is considered the "starting tempo." The second tempo is considered "Tempo or Level 1" therefore the last tempo is considered Level 10.
Each DrumLab's pacing is determined by each player. Rushing through it without allowing skill development, mentally and physically, will forfeit the intent and hopeful results.
The mind will understand the material much sooner than the hands. Physically being able to achieve requires patience and diligence.
Level 6 is considered the minimal tempo achievement for a 9th or 10th grade percussionist.
Level 9 is considered the minimal tempo achievement for an 11th or 12th grade percussionist.
Without going into incredible explanation, advancing from one tempo to the next trains the mind and body to place itself within a perceptual motor task that is ballistic, like swinging a bat AND making contact.
Have fun drumming! Drumming is cool! "Swing that bat!"